FA_173 Advanced English Conversation with a Native Speaker

Code: FA_173
Name: Advanced English Conversation with a Native Speaker
Department: Faculty of Architecture
Duration in hours: 26 lesson hours
Form of study: Full-time
Instruction language: TBA
Mode of delivery: Tutorial
Mode of completion: Final exam
Mode of completion detail: Celkový počet testů v semestru: 2
Jméno Kontakt
PhDr. Kateřina Valentová katerina.valentova@fa.cvut.cz
Supervisor: PhDr. Kateřina Valentová (katerina.valentova@fa.cvut.cz)
Minimum educational requirement: Secondary
Other prerequsites: Zvládnutí angličtiny na pokročilé úrovni s důrazem na komunikační dovednosti

Vocabulary practice, communication skills on upper intermediate - advanced level. The course prepares for compulsory courses of professional English and helps to keep gained skills. It also prepares for Erasmus an other mobility stays, including the Erasmus entrance tests.

The schedule will be specified later, you will receive more detailed instructions before the start of the academic year.

The course continues in summer semester and can be attended by both follow-up and new students.


The student will receive the course syllabus and list of recommended literature at the introductory lesson.

Document: Certificate
Teaching aids: Frekventanti obdrží studijní materiály při výuce. Budou seznámeni také s doporučenou literaturou.
Date: 17.02.2025 - 16.05.2025
Venue: Praha, FA ČVUT, Thákurova 9, Praha 6, učebna 202
Price: 2 850,00 CZK

The course is led by a native speaker from the U.S.A. Brian Hodgman. The course is devoted to conversation activities. 

The beginning: the week as off 23rd September according to the schedule, which will be specified later. You will receive detailed info before the start of the academic year.

Contact the course guarantor: katerina.valentova@fa.cvut.cz


Portal of Lifelong learning at CTU ČVUT cvut@cvut.cz