FD_122 Czech Language Course for Foreign Participants

Code: FD_122
Name: Czech Language Course for Foreign Participants
Department: Faculty of Transportation Sciences
Duration in hours: 580 lesson hours
Form of study: Full-time
Instruction language: Czech language
Mode of delivery: Lecture and Tutorial
Mode of completion: Oral exam
Mode of completion detail: Závěrečný písemný test a ústní zkouška odpovídající úrovni B2 dle Společného evropského referenčního rámce
Jméno Kontakt
Mgr. Irena Veselková veselire@fd.cvut.cz
Supervisor: Mgr. Irena Veselková (veselire@fd.cvut.cz)
Minimum educational requirement: Úplné střední vzdělání

The preparatory Czech Language Course for Foreign Participants who are interested in the future study at the CTU in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences. It is an intensive one-year course (winter semester and the following summer semester), which is concluded with a final exam in Czech that corresponds to the B2 level according to the European Reference Framework. This exam (B2 level according to the ERF) is a necessary condition for the study in Czech at CTU and is recognized by all faculties of the University.



According to the class register

Document: Certificate
Teaching aids: L. Holá: Czech Step by Step 1, 2
Date: 07.10.2024 - 16.02.2025
Venue: Praha, CTU FTS, Department of Languages and Humanities K615, Horská 3, 128 03 Praha 2, classroom B 301
Price: 91 000,00 CZK


The total price of the course for winter and summer semester is CZK 91.000,- (or EUR 3.760,-). It consists of non-refuable rigistration fee of CZK 7.000,- (or EUR 290,-) payable after registration for the course and the tution fee (including final tests and basic study materials) of CZK 84.000,- (or EUR 3.470,-). The participants in the course will cover the above mentioned fees according to the instructions on the website: http://jazyky.fd.cvut.cz/cestina-pro-cizince/index.html

Before filling in the application form and the payment please contact the guarantor of the course Mrs. Irena Veselková:


Thank You!

Portal of Lifelong learning at CTU ČVUT cvut@cvut.cz