Public courses
Courses for the public are intended for those interested in the public either to develop knowledge and skills relevant to the profession or as preparatory courses for university studies. Professionally oriented courses are directly involved in professional employment and thus also in human economic activity. Preparatory courses for university studies enable participants to broaden or consolidate their knowledge mainly in the fields of mathematics, physics, descriptive geometry and foreign participants to obtain the necessary certificate of knowledge of the Czech language in courses for subsequent study programs in the Czech language.
Newest courses
Energetická náročnost budov v souvislostech FSv
kurz CŽV – Energetická náročnost budov v souvislostech je zaměřen na… More
Enrollment until: | 26.09.2025 |
Beginning on: | 16.10.2025 |
10 500,00 Kč
12 / (5)
Energetická náročnost budov v souvislostech FSv
kurz je již naplněn, byl vypsán druhý běh v termínu 16.10.2025 - 17.10.2025, přihlášky na:https:/… More
Enrollment until: | 31.01.2025 |
Beginning on: | 12.02.2025 |
10 500,00 Kč
0 / (0)
Jarní přípravný kurz deskriptivní geometrie FSv
Deskriptivní geometrie se na některých středních školách… More
Enrollment until: | 19.02.2025 |
Beginning on: | 20.02.2025 |
400,00 Kč
271 / (0)
University of the third age
The University of the Third Age is a specific, interest-oriented type of lifelong learning with the aim of personal development, not a university degree. The basic mission of U3V is to make available university information, knowledge and skills in the field of technical and natural sciences, history, culture, etc. to people of post-productive age.
The University of the Third Age is intended for applicants who are entitled to an old-age pension or who have been granted a disability pension. CTU in Prague issues a certificate to graduates of U3V courses and programs, which is handed over after the end of the academic year during a ceremonial assembly in the Bethlehem Chapel. The amount of payment for U3V courses is governed by the Guidelines of the Bursar on the Implementation of the Order of Lifelong Education of CTU.
Newest courses
Kapitoly z dějin výtvarného umění LS 2024/25 FSv
Formou digitálních prezentací dostanou posluchači informace o dějinách architektury od konce… More
Enrollment until: | 28.02.2025 |
Beginning on: | 17.02.2025 |
500,00 Kč
7 / (0)
Svět inženýrství VI FSv
Kurz volně navazuje na předchozí ročníky kurzů Betonové konstrukce v proměně… More
Enrollment until: | 12.02.2025 |
Beginning on: | 12.02.2025 |
900,00 Kč
0 / (0)
Za památkami historické Prahy LS 2024/25 FSv
Formou komentovaných vycházek navštívíme postupně v tomto semestru zejména paláce Thunovský,… More
Enrollment until: | 28.02.2025 |
Beginning on: | 17.02.2025 |
500,00 Kč
0 / (0)
For employees
The performance of each organization is determined by the performance of processes and the performance of people, both of which are interdependent. The performance of employees is checked not only through evaluation and remuneration, but also through their development, e.g. in the areas of managerial or communication skills. The professional staff of the university guarantees expert access, effective communication, and ensure the active involvement of all participants. Educational programs focus on linking with practice and using real situations. Successful graduates thus increase their performance, competitiveness and thus the quality of the university.
If you are a CTU employee, we may have a perfect course for you. Please, sign in to see the offer.