FA_167 Transformations od Prague Architecture in Czech and French I

Code: FA_167
Name: Transformations od Prague Architecture in Czech and French I
Department: Faculty of Architecture
Duration in hours: 20 lesson hours
Form of study: Full-time
Instruction language: Czech language
Mode of delivery: Seminar
Mode of completion: Final exam
Lecturer: Ing. Mgr. Zuzana Krýzlová (zuzana.kryzlova@fa.cvut.cz)
Supervisor: PhDr. Kateřina Valentová (katerina.valentova@fa.cvut.cz)
Minimum educational requirement: Nižší střední vzdělání
Other prerequsites: Kurz je určen pokračujícím i novým studentům. Rozvrh bude upřesněn. Doporučuje se mírně-středně pokročilá znalost francouzštiny, fyzická kondice pro vycházky

The course is intended for all 3rd-age students interested in historical Prague and possessing basic language skills in French. This course is attended by architects, guides and other passionate enthusiasts. It is opened to both new and follow-up students. The students enrolled can participate in the creation of the new syllabus. The course consists of 6 seminars and 4 commented sightseeing tours across Prague. The instruction will be run in French.

Within the 10-part course you will become both theoretically and practically acquainted with famous Prague sights. The French language teacher with guide qualifications will show you round  architectural styles throughout various historical periods in chronological order. The course includes 3 commented sightseeing  tours. The classes will be run in French language. The participants will receive a detailed syllabus and list of recommended literature on the 1st session. They will gradually receive study materials from the teacher. Form of instruction: contact. 7 meeting in a FA classrom, 3 commented sightseeing tours of Prague. Recommended level of French: intermediate


The course consists of 7 seminars and 3 commented sightseeing tours. The themes in French: see the syllabus on the Czech version of the website.


Document: Certificate
Teaching aids: Notepad, pen. Study materials will be specified by the lecturer.
Date: 09.10.2024 - 09.12.2024
Venue: Praha, Učebna a rozvrh budou upřesněny.
  • Wednesday: 16:00-17:30, učebna 447, Nová budova FA ČVUT, Thákurova 9
Price: 500,00 CZK

Výuka bude probíhat v seminární místnosti (č. bude upřesněno) v budově FA ČVUT, Thákurova 9, vycházky na různých místech Prahy. Úvodní lekce bude v týdnu od 7.10.24, den bude upřesněn.

Lektor: Ing. Mgr. Zuzana Krýzlová.



Portal of Lifelong learning at CTU ČVUT cvut@cvut.cz